Subject: Screen Grid 3.3 (SHK) Author: Steve Beville Uploaded By: SteveBe Date: 5/4/1992 File: SCREEN.GRID.SHK (6797 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 19 Equipment: any Apple II that can run AppleWorks 3.0 Needs: AppleWorks 3.0, UltraMacros 3.1, ShrinkIt Keywords: macro TimeOut utility TYPE: UltraMacros Task File OS: ProDOS LIBRARY: APR/AppleWorks Classic/Patches & Utilities KEYWORDS: macro TimeOut utility Screen Grid 3.3 is an UltraMacros Task File that will allow you to capture most AppleWorks and TimeOut screens and determine the screen and msgxy coordinates. It requires AppleWorks 3.0 and UltraMacros 3.1. It is intended as an aid to macro programmers. The original version of this macro appeared on MacroEase from Beagle Bros. Unpack with ShrinkIt. ------------------------------------------------------------- Apple II Productivity Forum Libraries. Go Keyword: APR